

Aconite Napellus is also known as Monkshood, Wolf’s Bane, Granny’s Nightcap and Iron Hat. It is used in homeopathy for a range of acute ailments where symptoms are intensely acute, sudden, violent, painful and accompanied by fear. Aconite is an excellent remedy for the treatment of panic and terror attacks when triggered by a sudden, frightful experience. In this context, Aconite is often indicated in ailments arising from shock, such as hearing bad news, near death experiences, injury (eg. accident), and surgical procedures.

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Arsencium Album

Arsencium Album

Arsenicum is often indicated in the treatment of anxiety when accompanied by marked fear, restlessness and irritability. The central theme of Arsenicum is a feeling of being too weak to survive a world that is both chaotic and threatening. In this context, Arsenicum types feel overwhelmed with vulnerability and have a tendency to lean heavily on others for support, which can lead to overbearing dependency. Other characteristic symptoms include fastidiousness, a preoccupation with death and dying, and lots of fears that include cancer, disease, robbers and poverty.

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